Five8Seven {Sonoma Photographer}
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Monday, February 05, 2018
By Sharon Neves
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Pray. Encourage. Grow. Strength. Peace. Joy.


These six words are a big part of the why behind Five8Seven.  The numbers 587 are quite special, they stand for all of those things written above.  They are in fact numbers that have quite a lot of meaning in them.  We have five kids.  Our last name backwards is Seven.  8 to me looks like the infinity symbol, which is how I would describe God's love for us.  The last reason, and the one that first brought me the idea of it is that 587 is my husband's star number.  Those six words describe him.  Who is he, what he stands for, and what his star stands for.  I pray each day, that Five8Seven can allow me to remember to pray, encourage others, grow, be strong, choose to find peace even in the chaos, and to choose joy.  


You can follow along on my journey with Five8Seven at  I am excited for 2018 and I truly pray that in some way this can encourage you.




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