Leave this field empty
Thursday, February 01, 2018
By Sharon Neves
I am excited to challenge myself this year. To shoot differently. To get my own family in front of my camera more. I don't shoot wide open very often, as it just isn't my thing. An early morning impromptu session with our youngest daughter had me seeing the benefit of shooting wide open. What is wide open you ask? Wide open refers to the size of the lens aperture. So I was shooting with a Canon 35L 1.4 so wide open for me was at 1.4. Due to it being an overcast morning, having a wide aperture allowed me to let in the most light and to have awesome images of my daughter. Most of the images in this blog are at 1.4!! I am also super excited to be apart of a wonderful group of photographers this year called Life From This Lens. Click on over to Jessica's website to check out her beautiful blog!
Isn't her outfit adorable?! Her jacket and shoes are from KidPik. Her adorable Let it Shine shirt is from Chasing Grace. Her leggings are LuLaRoe.
Enjoy a peek into our fun!
Jessica Lane Jordan Photography
Kelly Beth Photography
Alicia Moss Photography
Tracy Lynn Photography
Sharon Neves Photography